As we begin to think about the new year, people around the world will be trying to think of their new year resolutions. A new year gives us an opportunity to refresh our ‘bucket list’ of priorities, aims and dreams. The Oxford dictionary defines a ‘bucket list’ as ‘a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime.’
What is currently on your bucket list? And more importantly, what is at the top of your bucket list of things to do in this life before you die?
Simeon had a very simple bucket list…
‘And [Simeon] came in the Spirit into the temple, and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him according to the custom of the Law, he took him up in his arms and blessed God and said, “Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation’ Luke 2:27-30
Simeon wanted to meet Jesus so he could depart this life in peace. The bible makes it very clear that meeting Jesus in this life is the only way to peacefully enter eternity with certainty. We may not get to see Jesus in this life with our own eyes in this life like Simeon did, but we can meet him and get to know him in this life as our Lord and Saviour by faith.
Let’s make sure this year that meeting Jesus is at the top of our bucket list. Let’s make sure this year that we and others would have certainty about our eternities because we have met Jesus as our Lord and Saviour in this life. Let’s make sure this year that our highest aim would be to continue to meet with Jesus in his word, in prayer and as we follow him daily.
I hope and pray you have a blessed New Year as you draw close to Jesus.
‘Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.’ James 4:8
© 2022 Roger Tanton